Cultivate Balance
Balance is elusive, its something we hold for a short period of time; until it slips through our fingers only to find us striving again to find it. Sometimes we have the capacity to hold this space for longer periods of time than others. Many things in life shift our ability to stay in balance.
Learning About Balance
It was a long time in my life before I was aware of the importance of keeping balance and being mindful of this space in my life. Life’s uncertain moments have a way of sneaking up on you and when it grabbed me by the throat one afternoon, my attention became singularity focused to the fact that I was going to have to learn about balance.
Now, after almost two decades of working with hundreds of individuals I have developed a deep belief that ‘life is about balance’….and ‘cultivating’ balance.
The place I feel my best self is the ocean…..The sound fills every piece of my being with joy. Everything inside of me relaxes as I breath the ocean air in deep and I feel peace. I want to bring people to the ocean to cultivate.
I believe to be courageous you have to be vulnerable and to be vulnerable you have to be brave….. This year my most courageous act of vulnerability is to create a new venture of my business called Cultivate Balance which will specialize in international wellness retreats. I have put my heart into this creation, it has been a restoration of my own professional inspiration and given me an avenue to express, and create something that I feel is vital to share with others. Cultivate Balance will be holding its first retreat in Costa Rica this fall October 20, 2021 - October 26, 2021. This retreat provides a safe place to be vulnerable so you can be courageous in cultivating balance.
Helping others to find balance is incredibly important and inspiring to me. I believe each of us has the potential to create our own space to feel present and to understand how to find our individual equilibrium. Finding balance is about progress, not perfection.
Participating in a retreat is a transformational experience. After a retreat you will feel rejuvenated. You will feel recharged. And most importantly, you will feel different, because the experience you gain and learn in a retreat changes you as a person from the core. My hope for you is that you will take this experience, the learning, and your new self-awareness and weave them into your daily life as you re-integrate back.
Come with us to Costa Rica and radically restore your nervous system. Learn new skills, perspectives, and simple tools to create space and feel resourced and restored in your life back home. I deeply believe this will benefit not only you but everyone your life touches.
~ Amanda
Contact me to get started or learn more about my specialties, such as counseling for substance abuse.